5 Ways To Boost Your Website Conversion Rate

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Every company that has a website can agree that getting high website conversion rates is of the highest of priorities.

You can direct traffic to your website all day long. But if they don’t stay on your site long enough to decide they want your product and be convinced that it’s worthwhile, then all that traffic is for nothing.

To increase your website conversion rate is to increase the percentage of users who execute a certain action on your website. Usually, that action is purchasing, scheduling a consultation, etc.

Whatever your end goal is for your users, we want to increase the number of people that complete that goal.

You want to get the most out of your users.

To do that, you need a clear path for them to follow, and then you need to find out where they drop out of that path. Once you know this, you can focus on optimizing these areas for higher engagement and follow-through.

That’s why we’re going over some of our favorite resources to boost your website conversion rate.

Let’s get your website to blow people’s minds, and do it quickly.

Why so fast?

Because studies have shown that a user’s attention span on a website is legitimately less than a goldfish: it’s 8 seconds. 8 seconds is all you have to wow them, to show them that your content matters to them, and to get them to decide to stay on your site and follow the path you’ve set up towards conversion.

User Experience Optimization

One major way you can get more website conversion is by being intentional about your site’s design. And good news, even if you’re not the designer, you can still optimize this!

To test how your user experience is going on your site, try Hotjar.

This is a tool that we use all the time (with killer free version!), that measures visitor interactions and feedback on your site. It can show you with heatmaps what users are seeing and clicking on. Hotjar will tell you exactly which buttons, call-to-actions, and all other sections are performing and which aren’t. Where do users scroll to on your site, exactly what do they click on?

This can be a great starting point for looking at the factors that are influencing your UX, and what is or isn’t captivating users. The info you can gather is majorly beneficial to identify exactly what point of your funnel you’re losing people most.

If there’s one point where people just aren’t clicking, this can tell you that it’s not captivating their attention, the flow/navigation doesn’t make sense to them, or the offer isn’t strong enough.

So if you want to use data like a pro to optimize your design in ways that convert, try out Hotjar and stop the guesswork!

Boost Your Website Speed

Second, in order to get users to look at your site, it has to load quickly. Remember how you only have 8 seconds?

If your site takes almost that long to fully load, you’re out of time!

They can’t even start down your funnel, because they’ve lost interest and moved on to your competitor. (Ouch. I know it’s harsh, but it’s the truth.) This is one major way to get fewer people bouncing off your site before you can convert them:

Diagnose how quickly your site is loading, and learn where there are issues that could be improved.

To get a quick and free diagnosis of your site’s current speeds, try Google PageSpeed Insights. When you enter your URL, it will crawl your site and give you some great metrics.

Improving your website speed is one of the best ways to get people to stay on your site and amp up your website conversion rate.

Purchase Process

Next, a quick and effective way to improve website conversions on your site is to audit your purchase/registration process. Think of the Tootsie Pop Sucker Owl here:

How many clicks does it take?

The more clicks it takes, the more you’re going to lose people.

Generally speaking, it is just expected that you’re going to lose a percentage of people at every step of the process: this is called the Website Conversion Funnel.

So if you can streamline this process– take out unnecessary steps, and make it so easy that your great-grandmother can do it–you’re going to convert more.

And this can be a quick task! Go to your web developer and tell them your goal. Ask if it’s possible to create one-click purchasing, or combine steps of the process.

See what’s possible to whittle down without losing important information.

Mobile Optimization

More and more people are looking at websites on their phones instead of computers.

If your website is clunky or difficult to navigate from a mobile device, your conversion rate is most definitely going to decrease.

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test is a quick way to gauge how well your mobile version is doing. Simply enter your website URL, and it will test and give you results on how easily a user can view your page.

This is a great step for quick website conversion optimization!

Add Your Personal Touch

Does your website have personal aspects that humanize your business? Do you have testimonials from real customers?

Both of these aspects can be extremely valuable.

Humanizing your business helps users feel connected to you, and when they feel connected they will be more likely to buy. They will trust also trust you more when they hear about real customers who can vouch for you.

Getting to know you helps them feel more comfortable moving down the funnel towards purchasing, so including these elements will undoubtedly drive up your website conversion rate.

This can also include video.

Video content is becoming more and more vital going into 2022, and is one of the highest converting content types. Today’s world is largely visual, and video is even more engaging than photos and graphics. You can tell more of a story, capture more emotion, and sell your product more convincingly with video.

If you haven’t invested in video content on your website, consider amping up your content in order to increase customer conversions.


Implementing these tools is a sure-fire way to increase your website’s conversion rates. If you have a rock-solid idea of what action you want users to take, and a clear, easy path to get them there, results will come.

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